Interested in ‘Gardening for Wildlife?’ Sign up for our online talk on making your garden more habitable for wildlife on Thursday 25th February at 6:30pm. Cost £3.50 with Axminster Heritage members receiving 10% discount off the ticket price.
With current restrictions in place we are observing the wildlife that is attracted to our gardens now more than ever. Greenfinches, blue tits, goldfinches, hedgehogs, frogs ,bees and if you’re lucky a greater spotted woodpecker are just some of the wildlife that can visit our gardens. This talk will look at how we can garden in order to increase habitats and food supplies for these birds, mammals and insects and therefore attract more of them. By increasing biodiversity in the garden ( be it large or small) we can have year round fragrance, interest and more.
To book your tickets please visit Eventbrite at:
Muff Dudgeon is a local garden designer who has a BA in Heritage and Landscape and a Diploma in Garden Design.

Muff Dudgeon Garden Design