As the 14th Century proverb by Chaucer states, ‘All good things must come to an end’ and so it was that last week saw the end of our online ‘Axminster Heritage Blue Plaque Trail.’ We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped make this series possible – especially Heritage Centre volunteer and author David Knapman who provided much of the information within these posts and Centre Manager, Nigel Sadler who kindly provided the images from both our archives and some from his own collection – Sands of Time Consultancy. We would also like to thank Jamie Love for his wonderful post and photographs on Rose Cottage.
We are delighted that so many of you seem to have gained some enjoyment from this trail and we thank all of you for your wonderful comments. Once we are open again you will be able to collect a trail leaflet from the Centre but until then we thought we would provide another ‘online’ trail that we hope you’ll like entitled – ‘Last Orders.’
In this country the pub is often considered to be the heart of the local community. This is equally as true when we think about the many public houses in Axminster and its surrounding villages over the years – a number which are still standing, though the majority of which have sadly disappeared. Our local is not just a place where we partake of an exceptional ale or a refreshingly crisp gin and tonic – it’s also a place where we connect with those around us and as such their closure has had a huge impact on people over lockdown. ‘Last Orders’ aims to celebrate the importance of Axminster’s public houses by sharing with you interesting historical facts (and where possible, photographs) about these buildings.
To find out all about our first pub visit us on Facebook ( next week but in the meantime don’t forget to like and follow our page for all the latest history, updates and events going on with the Heritage Centre.
Well, cheers for reading this post – I can’t take credit for writing it however as it’s ‘Ale in a day’s work!’ (sorry!😬)